8 Heart Disease Prevention Tips for a Healthy Heart


I honestly have an enjoyable medical practice; what I get to do is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. I get to help people choose to be healthier and live with less disability.

Start Helping Your Heart

My typical patient is a 50-something guy (although I also see women and people ranging from those in their early 20s to those in their early 100s) who asks one of the following questions:

  1. Unfortunately, I was not as conscientious about heart health in my 20s and 30s, and now I have some pretty severe arterial blockages. What can I do before these get me?
  2. There is an extensive history of heart disease in my family. How can I ensure my bad genes do not get to me?
  3. I have had a heart attack. My doctor gave me three stents, put me on a blood thinner and a statin, and said I could do whatever. My spouse wanted me to see you about lifestyle things. I know I should exercise and cut down on red meat, but do these or anything else make a real difference if I am already on a statin?

Most patients do not realize that looking old (having wrinkles, etc.), stroke, impotence, memory loss, and heart attacks are part of the same process: arterial aging. So, no matter how motivated my typical patient seems by the phrasing of their questions, I review with each patient the five steps of arterial aging: injury, immediate repair with a fatty streak, chronic inflammation, acute inflammation and rupture, and clot formation. I assure you that the individual can, to a large degree, have control over each step. Then the dialogue usually goes like this: You get to control your genes and get a do-over.

That answer is easy: The data are excellent that diet and other lifestyle choices like physical activity (as in cardiac rehab), stress management, avoiding tobacco (that includes secondhand smoke), and even flu shots (they decrease inflammation) add to optimal drug management to reduce heart attack and cardiac death rates after a first heart attack, and in preventing arterial aging.

Recently, an international study indicated that those individuals (more than 31,000 men and women of average age 66 in this study) who chose whole grains, fruits, veggies, nuts, and fish over meat, eggs, and simple carbs had a 35 percent reduction in cardiac death rates during 5 years. That is a 35 percent reduction in addition to the decrease from surgery and optimal medical management.

Because four factors control more than 50 percent of heart disease, we’ll start with these lifestyle changes that can drastically reduce your risk for heart problems.

Kiss Your Butt Goodbye

No, we are not talking about weight but about tobacco, which is still the leading cause of heart disease and strokes (not to mention cancer). Even if you do not smoke but live or work in a smoke-filled environment, you will likely still experience related complications, like disease and signs of aging. Did you know that spending just one hour in the presence of secondhand smoke is the equivalent of smoking four cigarettes?

Whether the smoke you are breathing is from your cigarette or someone else’s, or even from someone else’s water pipe or e-cigarette, it ages your arteries, increases your risk of heart and lung disease, weakens your immune system, and promotes cancer.

Related:   Heart Healthy Herbs

Feed Your Heart

These days, you do not have to be a dietitian to know that certain foods will create some severe roadblocks on your arterial highways. Simple carbohydrates, added sugars and syrups, saturated fats, and trans fats are five choices that start, accelerate, and magnify the inflammatory process in your arteries. That doughnut, cola, or chili-drenched hot dog does not just add to your lousy LDL cholesterol; these foods also stimulate your genes to produce more inflammatory proteins to make the tissue irritation a whole lot worse.

Normalizing your five key numbers is doable with lifestyle or medications, and maintaining those numbers is essential for reducing your risk of heart disease: blood pressure of 115/75 or less, LDL cholesterol of 100 or less, appropriate waist-to-height measurement, fasting blood sugar of 100 or less, and absence of cotinine (tobacco products) in your urine.

I could write an entire book about the fat around our waists, but we must also discuss the fat in our diet. Most of us know that dietary fats come in two general forms: suitable for us or wrong for us. Most know that we should avoid the wrong kinds (e.g., saturated fats, trans fats) the way we avoid telemarketers.

But if we dive deeper into the story of good fats, we can realize that it is more than just a get-good/avoid-bad argument. Research suggests that omega-6 fatty acids (found in cereals, some nuts, whole grains, and vegetable oils) can be harmful to us if we do not have the proper ratio of omega-3s (found in oily fish, walnuts, certain algae, and flax) to counterbalance those fats and provide a protective effect against heart disease. The ideal ratio? Omega-3 intake, especially DHA, as found in salmon, trout, and algae, should be 25 percent or more of total omega-6 intake.

Get Your Clothes Wet

We may not like to see sweat on treadmills or public speakers, but we want to see it on you. While we recommend different kinds of physical activity in other circumstances (including resistance exercise, walking, and stretching), the best way to improve heart function is to sweat more than a kid in the principal’s office. Why? Cardiovascular activity lowers both the blood pressure’s top systolic (the pressure exerted when your heart contracts) and the bottom diastolic (the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest) numbers.

Cardiovascular exercise may also be helpful because it makes your blood vessels more elastic by forcing them to dilate. In addition to 30 minutes of daily walking, aim for a minimum of 60 minutes per week of cardiovascular or sweating activity. Ideally, in three 20-minute sessions? In this case, you raise your heart rate to 80 percent or more of its age-adjusted maximum (220 minus your age) for an extended period.

To do this, begin with a low-impact activity, like swimming, cycling, or using an elliptical trainer, to get your heart rate up without compromising the quality of your joints. Remember to change activities from time to time so you do not get repetitive use injuries from always doing the same activity. Also, incorporate interval training? that is, alternating periods of maximum effort with periods of recovery.to optimize heart benefits. You may want to check with your doctor beforehand; he or she may want to try interval training in the controlled setting of a stress test first. However, even one minute of maximum-effort exercise at the end of every 10 minutes can be beneficial.

Related:   Eating Nuts to Fight Heart Disease

Create Your Backup Plan

Stress causes almost as many heart attacks as tobacco; that said, stress is not all bad. It gives you the concentration and ability to finish a project or meet a deadline. But stress can linger like week-old leftovers and create its kind of stink, so you need to have a plan that works for you during periods of high stress. Exercise and meditation work for some people, and both will help you manage chronic stress by releasing feel-good substances like nitric oxide and brain chemicals called endorphins. But in the heat of the moment, at peak periods of high intensity, you should be able to pull a quick stress-busting behavior out of your biological bag of tricks. Whatever backup plan you have, practice it daily.

Create a plan you can commit to; for example, buy two pedometers, so you will always have one in case you misplace it, and wear it at all times; keep track of the steps you take for the first four days, then increase them by 500 steps every week until you are walking at least 10,000 steps each day, no excuses; and go through your kitchen cupboards and trash everything that has corn syrup or sugar listed in the first five ingredients.

There are other parts of the plan, and individual goals will vary, but these are the most critical steps toward better health in combination with conventional medications.

In addition to these four strategies, I recommend eight helper tips that will get you started and support you throughout your heart health journey.

Get a buddy

It can be challenging to stick to the plan and implement all parts consistently without motivation and even competition. So, the first helper is a buddy, whether a committed spouse or an exercise buddy. This person can help you monitor medications and supplements, plan and eat similar meals, and participate in exercise with you. Finding someone with similar health goals creates an open forum for heart health dialogue, and you can discuss your difficulties and successes.

The role of aspirin

Many studies of primary prevention have shown that two baby aspirin decrease the risk of heart attack by 30 percent or more for men and the risk of stroke by 30 percent in women, as well as nine cancers (including colon, rectal, esophageal, liver, breast, and prostate). Aspirin is thought to work by making platelets less sticky, preventing clotting, and decreasing arterial inflammation. You can reduce potential gastric discomfort by drinking half a glass of warm water before and after taking aspirin; the pills dissolve faster in warm water and are less likely to cause stomach irritation, ulcerations, and bleeding. If you take aspirin, limit intake to half a regular aspirin or two baby aspirin? About 162 milligrams total daily? If you are a man older than 35 or a woman older than 40 and in typical health.

Related:   A Smart Heart Monitor for Cardiovascular Management


Mitochondria convert glucose into electric energy, and one of the molecules carrying electrons in this process is CoQ10. Taking CoQ10 as a supplement seems to protect against heart failure and other inflammatory processes by improving the efficiency of mitochondria. The usual dose is 200 milligrams daily (100 in the morning and 100 in the afternoon). Although no solid data exists to support it, I feel that CoQ10 can be beneficial for people who take statin drugs; statins decrease levels of CoQ10, which may be the reason why statins can be associated with muscle cramps and pain.

Vitamin D3

Recent research suggests that vitamin D3 is suitable for your bones, immune system, heart, and brain. Those younger than 60 can try 1000 IU daily; 1200 IU if age 60 or older. Your doctor can measure your vitamin D3 level, but you should aim for 50 to 80 ng/mL.

Omega-3 supplements

DHA omega-3 is critically essential for heart health, eyes, and brain. Take 900 milligrams every day.

Another odd omega

You have already heard plenty about DHA, the great-for-you omega-3 fatty acid found in fatty fish- or algal oil capsules. You probably also know of the health benefits of olive oil, the odd omega-9. Research from Harvard Medical School, the Cleveland Clinic, the University of Hawaii, and Japan suggest that purified omega-7s (purified palmitoleic acid? a C16 monounsaturated fat) have extraordinary powers, too.

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In several studies, omega-7s squelched heart-threatening LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, boosted ticker-friendly HDL levels, decreased fatty liver disease, decreased C-reactive protein, and improved cells’ ability to take in blood sugar. In one animal study, omega-7s blocked plaque formation by over 90 percent. Although we need more conclusive human trials before recommending omega-7s unconditionally, more research has not been done because getting omega-7 purified is too expensive; I think the three studies are more than three times better than one. I have urged a company whose scientific advisory board I chair to start such research. Still, because I am intrigued by its benefits, I currently take 420 milligrams of purified omega-7 in capsules and 900 milligrams of DHA daily. Discuss with your doctor if you choose to go this route.

Don’t underestimate the multivitamin.

Take a multivitamin twice daily; this is your insurance policy against an imperfect diet. The vast majority of people older than age 55(at least in my practice) have at least one vitamin or mineral deficiency if they do not routinely take a multivitamin. Also, multivitamins can decrease non-prostate cancers by 20 percent in healthy men older than 70.

Remember gut health

Much data indicate that your gut bacteria and how they metabolize what you feed them may make a substantial difference regarding inflammation in the body (and subsequent arterial aging). Take a daily probiotic to encourage and support a healthy gut and, in turn, whole-body health.

Michael F. Roizen, MD

Michael F. Roizen, MD, is the chief wellness officer and chair for the Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the coauthor of the RealAge and YOU series of books and the 2011 co-winner of the Paul G. Rodgers award from the National Library of Medicine for “Best Medical Communicator.”

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